There are times when unexpected heroes emerge in the most discouraging and dangerous times, through their simple acts of kindness, their unwavering devotion to duty and responsibility, their exceptional compassion for those suffering, and the consistency of their words of calming reassurance. Along with the many healthcare professionals across our great nation, we join these heroes in their solemn commitment to provide exceptional care, counseling and accurate information during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are in it for the duration, and will neither tire nor weaken in our duty and responsibility. This is the staff, and your true heroes, at Summit Medicine and Pediatrics…
Marion, Front Office Manager, and the most contagious with warmth and laughter in our office
Tasha, Back Office Manager, and the most infectious with love and compassion in our office
The Summit Team… your heroes in this fight! You can always count on Marion, Dr. Mike and Tasha to get you through difficult times.
COVID-19 Changes in the Office. Through 30 April 2020, Summit Medicine and Pediatrics will maintain standard office hours and, as always, Dr. Mike is available 24/7 directly by dedicated mobile telephone to his established patients. In the interest of reducing potential exposure to and spread of the COVID-19 virus within our office and our community, we have reduced the time that Marion and Tasha are present in the office, however, Dr. Mike will be in the office full time to see patients and to take your calls. In addition, we have established opportunity to schedule telemedicine encounters through Skype® or FaceTime® with Dr. Mike during routine office hours. If you are an established patient and would like to take advantage of this opportunity, take a moment to complete and return to us our Summit Telemedicine Consent Form and we will set up your first virtual visit! Finally, follow Summit Medicine and Pediatrics on all of the social media platforms to stay up-to-date on the latest, most accurate information about the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Summit Team